Group Business Coaching

ActionCLUB is a great ‘starter’ Programme if you or your business are not quite ready for One-to-One Business Coaching yet. We meet fortnightly in a small group either face to face or on Zoom (depending on the Group’s preference).

The high-energy one and a half – two hour sessions focus on building strong foundations in all the key areas of your business. The sessions are interactive and activity-based with the emphasis on learning through doing. So you don’t just sit around listening to me drone on.

We meet every two weeks so you can go away and put the strategies you have learnt and developed into action and then bring your feedback and experiences back to the group.

In addition, by meeting regularly with a group of ambitious local business owners you will be sharing best practice and building relationships.

What will I get from ActionCLUB?

Well essentially, like all my Programmes, you will achieve business growth, you will also have the opportunity to network with other business owners, chances are you’ll pick up a referral or two. ActionCLUB is a programme which builds a strong foundation for a business around ALL the key fundamentals, here are some examples of the practical sessions you’ll take part in.

Setting Your Future

If you don’t know where you’re going how are you going to get there? During this session you will set your goals, your company’s vision and mission statement and you’ll learn how to build a great business from the foundation up.

Generating Cashflow

You will learn all about the principles of Leverage and Cashflow Marketing. You’ll focus in on the fastest ways to increase your marketing results now…

Streetwise Marketing

You will extract your uniqueness— which sets you apart from your competitors—and learn how to use it to get more of the customers you want. You will also learn about developing customer loyalty so that these customers keep coming back, time after time.


You’ll learn all about the different types of salespeople and the difference between old selling and new. You will get to understand the question funnel, performance standards, phone power and how to handle objections.


This session is all about building the dream team you’ve always wanted. Learn how to become a great leader to inspire them each and every day. Learn how to recruit great people and lead them to a business that works without you even needing to be there.

Systems and The 6 Steps To Massive Results

Learn about the only ways to leverage your business. Learn how to create systems that run your business to produce massive results. Learn how to work ON your business, not IN it.

Leverage – The Board Game

This is where you get to have some fun and put into practice everything you’ve learned about business during the ActionCLUB programme.

Is ActionCLUB right for me and my business?

ActionCLUB is a super practical and affordable business coaching programme that will pay dividends (quite literally if you are a Limited Company) in increased profits for your business.

It is ideal for:

Small business owners
Independent operators
Start-up businesses
Self-employed professionals

How much is ActionCLUB?

Your first visit to ActionCLUB is completely free…come along and see if it is for you.

Your ActionCLUB coaching investment is £495 + VAT per month, which is payable by Direct Debit. There is no contract, you can join for a few months or forever, but in order to really experience the benefits of ActionCLUB we recommend a 12 month membership.

ActionCLUB is not just about finding out what you need to do…you will leave this programme knowing how to do what you need to do to get ahead. Boost YOUR profits and free up YOUR time…right now!


Is there space in an ActionCLUB for me?

Find out if I have a place for you in one of my ActionCLUB’s now

Enquire About This Programme

Get in touch to book a place or find out more.


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