One-to-One No-Nonsense Business Coaching

My One-to-One Coaching is the quickest and most effective Programme I offer my clients to achieve business success. This Programme is so successful that I am able to Guarantee the results! One-to-One Coaching WILL make a massive difference to your business and your life.

How does it work?

I offer a range of levels when it comes to One-to-One Coaching. The best Programme for you and your organisation will be based on your business and of course what you want to achieve. I have packages to suit businesses of all types and sizes. All I ask is that you are ambitious, want to grow your business and are ready to learn.

One-to-One Coaching can be face to face, via video conferencing (Zoom) or on the phone. Coaching sessions will take place either weekly or fortnightly, but I will be available to you for support all the time (well, within business hours of course!).

All my One-to-One Coaching Programmes include at least one complimentary place on our 90 Day Planning Workshop every quarter, DISC profiling and at least four free business skills books per year.

My more advanced Programmes can also include coaching  and DISC profiling for multiple team members, a Team Alignment day and bespoke training workshops, although a client on any Programme can include these as optional extras.


What will One-to-One Coaching be like?

Well, it’s not going to be a walk in the park. I’m a no-nonsense sort of guy. I’m going to ask you some challenging questions, I’ll be listening carefully and probing you for ‘real’ answers. As we move through the Programme together I will be challenging you and pushing you to achieve the results that you told me you wanted.

Of course, I will be supportive and understanding and I will be ready to assist you however I can, but I won’t be letting you ‘get away’ with things. I will be honest with you, no beating around the bush. However you can always be sure that I won’t waste your time…an hour spent with me should be the most productive hour of your week!

We will start your Coaching journey with establishing where your business is now and of course where you want it to be – this forms the basis of the Bespoke Programme we will follow.

Stage one focuses on Mastery – ensuring that the business owner has the time and energy to focus on business growth.

Stage two is setting (or reviewing) the business plan, ensuring that the goals for the business align with your personal goals.

From there the sessions vary greatly depending on you, your business and the goals you have set.

Do you need One-to-One Coaching?

Let me ask you this…

Do you put hours and hours into your business, but not get the results you want?
Do you feel like even though you have a team you still have to supervise every little thing or do it yourself to get things right?
Do you have trouble setting goals or sticking to them?
Do you feel like you are working IN your business instead of ON your business?

If you said yes to any (or all) of these questions then yes you do need One-to-One Coaching, but actually I have yet to come across a business owner who does not benefit from Coaching. You do not see top athletes or sports people stop training with their coach when the achieve great results…only when they retire.

How much is One-to-One Coaching?

Because One-to-One Coaching is not a one size fits all Programme the cost varies. Rather than give you a list of prices I would rather find out a bit about you and your business and then craft a Programme which is perfect for you and your goals.

Book your free coaching session

The best way to find out if One-to-One Coaching is right for you and your business and indeed if I am the right Business Coach for you is to book a free session with me…what have you got to lose?

Enquire About This Programme

Get in touch to book a place or find out more.


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